Sunday 8 January 2017

Interview with a Mummy - Blogger #10

Name: Vicky
How old are you? 43
Where are you from? Kent
How many children do you have? 4
How old are your children? 24,22,21 and 6
What are their genders? g,b,g,g

1. What is your blog url? 

2. What was the inspiration behind your name? 
When I had Tilly, I had severe PND that lasted for over two years. Then one day I decided that I was enjoying being Tillys mummy and decided to write a blog to tell the world

3. What made you decide to start blogging? 
as above

4. Is blogging a job or a hobby to you? 
I have another paid job as well as blogging, but I have gone self employed this year too. Eventually i would like to be earning more from my blog

5. Do you think there is any stigma to being a parent blogger? 
Yes! I once had the opportunity to review an adults only weekend at a well known holiday camp, but as I was a parent blogger they decided it wouldn't be appropriate to be on my blog....... because parents don't party. Also people see parent bloggers write about baby bottles and nappy rash, I get asked baby questions all the time and I am like 'No I  write about preventing teen grooming and mental health as well as reviewing kids and family products

6. What is your favourite post you have written? 
It is actually this one because it took me forever to get it out of Ryan Air whether we could take a trunki as hand luggage. It is my most read post ever

7. What is your favourite post you have read? on another blog? 
There are too many to name.

8. Have you ever had any rude comments from family members or friends about your blog? If so, what? 
No, everyone has been supportive of my little corner of the internet.

9. Have you ever had any rude comments from a stranger if you've ever mentioned your blog? If so, what? 
At press events when the companies say ''you're only a blogger?'' 

10. Have you ever had any nice comments from a strangers you've ever mentioned you blog? If so, what? 
At an event once, some people got down to my daughters level and said 'Hello Tilly, we have always wanted to meet you'

11. Do you have any advice to give others starting out? 
Don't think you can start making money straight away. I always see bloggers saying 'i have been blogging for two weeks and havent been offered anything to review' thats because you need to make your blog work, it takes a lot of time and effort to write a blog. So many times I have helped people start a blog and then after a few weeks they give up as they are bored, you need to work through the bored periods.

12. Any final words of wisdom? 
Make sure you are enjoying your blog, if it is no fun for a while then walk away and take a break. Then you will fall in love with it again

13. Please link your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter 

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