This baby looks as though she wants to make an early appearance!
After spending the last 3 days in hospital with plenty of blood tests, monitoring, contractions, swabs and steroid injections, I am extremely relieved to get out of the hospital and back home to my 2 little monsters! Even if that means I'm on bed rest!
All of this started from a doctors appointment when I got asked whether I had been getting headaches along with my dizziness spells. I got told to go to the MAU.
Once I got there, I was asked about all symptoms I'd had as they were suspecting pre eclampsia. Once they ruled this out, swabs were done because I had started lightly spotting blood. The results for this showed traces of a hormone released in preterm labour!
That was me admitted to the labour ward!
I was given steroid injections to strengthen baby's lungs incase she decided to make her appearance while I was there and hooked up to constant monitors to make sure baby kept moving. While on the monitors, it showed I was having regular contractions. Three to four contractions every 10 minutes, lasting 30 seconds a piece.
Convinced this baby was going to make an appearance 7 weeks early, they did an internal to check my cervix and dilation. It wasn't happening.
So after all of this, I am happy to say that I am out of hospital with baby still cooking!
Let's just hope she stays there a bit longer!