Thursday 19 May 2016

33 Week Hospital Stay

So it's been quite eventful!

This baby looks as though she wants to make an early appearance!
After spending the last 3 days in hospital with plenty of blood tests, monitoring, contractions, swabs and steroid injections, I am extremely relieved to get out of the hospital and back home to my 2 little monsters! Even if that means I'm on bed rest!

All of this started from a doctors appointment when I got asked whether I had been getting headaches along with my dizziness spells. I got told to go to the MAU. 

Once I got there, I was asked about all symptoms I'd had as they were suspecting pre eclampsia. Once they ruled this out, swabs were done because I had started lightly spotting blood. The results for this showed traces of a hormone released in preterm labour! 

That was me admitted to the labour ward! 

I was given steroid injections to strengthen baby's lungs incase she decided to make her appearance while I was there and hooked up to constant monitors to make sure baby kept moving. While on the monitors, it showed I was having regular contractions. Three to four contractions every 10 minutes, lasting 30 seconds a piece. 
Convinced this baby was going to make an appearance 7 weeks early, they did an internal to check my cervix and dilation. It wasn't happening. 

So after all of this, I am happy to say that I am out of hospital with baby still cooking! 
Let's just hope she stays there a bit longer!

Friday 13 May 2016

Review: Nimble Babies Milk Buster Baby Bottle Wash

Nimble Babies Milk Buster Baby Bottle Wash

I've never really thought about using something other than washing up liquid for washing bottles before, didn't enter my head there might be something else on the market. When I heard about Nimble Babies, it really peaked my interest and I wanted to know more!
It claims that all you need to do is add water, spray twice (or a little more if milk has been left overnight), brush and rinse and that will be more effective than cleaning with washing up liquid. It claims that it breaks down the milk protein and will leave the bottle smelling fresher.

Well, all I've got to say is IT DOES!
It definitely does what it says on the bottle and I couldn't be happier with the product.
We've been using the same bottles for 9 months and they had started going a little cloudy with use and the build up of the milk protein. After the first wash with Nimble Babies Bottle Wash they're already a lot clearer and I'm excited to see if I can get them back to more of a transparent colour.

Just for the sake of testing, I also left a bottle overnight with 1oz left in the bottom of the bottle. I followed the instructions on slightly more soiled bottles and added a little more than 2 sprays and I am extremely impressed with the results of that! It worked just as effective as when I was cleaning soon after use.
I also used the spray on the teats and I couldn't complain about the results!

The design of the bottle is amazing! It looks extremely smart and it's such a practical design. The spray on the top is perfect for spraying into smaller nooks and crannies such as the teat and the lid screw (that the teat fits into).

I can see the bottle lasting well over 2 months so it works out brilliant value for money.

Overall, I can not find a single fault with this product an would recommend it to anyone who is looking for something to clean their bottles with and help them smell a bit fresher!

*I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience

You can purchase this product at:
Alphega Pharmacy
Baby & Me
Gadget Baby
Maison Bebe
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