Tuesday 9 July 2019

4 Ways To Have An Engaged Summer With Your Children

Ah, summer, is there anything better? There’s so much to look forward to, we can enjoy the outdoors, the sunshine (well, sometimes), spend time with our friends and family, and so on -- it’s all good stuff. But in order to make the most of everyone’s favourite season, it’s important to take a proactive approach; the good times won’t just happen! And especially with our kids. Their summer holidays will come and go in a blink of an eye. Below, we take a look at a few ways you can have an engaged, fun summer with your little ones. Get ready now, and prepare for a fun summer!

Source: Pexels.com

Limit the Tech

There’s little doubt that technology has done the world a lot of good, but, like most things, it’s important that it’s not overused. Some parents are happy to let their kids spend hour after hour playing games on their smartphone or tablet. It might give you a peaceful afternoon, but it’s not like your children are going to simply put the devices down when you’re ready to have some fun. They’ll want to stay on their phones. Find a way to limit the tech use, lest it takes over all summer.

Creating Together

There are plenty of ways to spend quality time with our children, from exploring the outdoors to spending the afternoon watching Disney movies. One of the more underrated activities, however, involves creating something together. It really doesn’t matter what it is, so long as you’re all involved in the process and something comes from it. One fun option is arts and crafts. Take a look at www.vinylcuttingmachineguide.com and invest in a vinyl cutting machine. It’ll open up the world of crafts for you and your family! Another option is to write and perform your family play. It’ll be super fun, and you’ll also be giving your children’s creative capabilities some exercise.

Involve Their Friends

As much as you would like to think otherwise, it’s unlikely that your children will want to spend every moment of the summer holidays with you, especially if they’re a little older. They’ll want to see their friends! But you don’t have to lose them to their chums, oh no -- instead, invite their friends to be apart of your days out. You’ll get to see another side of your sons and daughters, plus you’ll prevent them from spending too much time away from you. Win-win!

Mix Up the Activities

Finally, take a look at mixing up the activities throughout the summer. This has multiple purposes. First, it keeps everyone engaged and having fun. Second, it’ll make the summer seem like it’s going on forever! Time speeds up if you’re doing all the same things every day. Have a number of activities in your repertoire, such as trips into nature, afternoons in the garden, and city excursions, and you’ll have had a jam-packed and diverse summer when it comes to September and the beginning of the new school year. Variety is the spice of life!


  1. I'll forcefully prefer the first point, "limit the tech" as life was much simpler before them. Thanks for sharing these tips.
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