Sunday 15 January 2017

Interview with a Mummy - Blogger #12

Name: Heidi
How old are you? 34
Where are you from? Eastbourne, East Sussex
How many children do you have? One and one cooking (23 weeks)
How old are your children? 3 years and 8 months
What are their genders? Male and we don't know!

1. What is your blog url? 

2. What was the inspiration behind your name?
I love living right on the beach, I can see the sea from my lounge and bedroom window so I wanted to combine something seaside sounding with parenting. I couldn't really think of anything beachy that had a good ring to it, but Southern Mummy came into my head and I think the South is associated with the seaside and I thought it was quite catchy - so it stuck!

3. What made you decide to start blogging?
I actually began blogging in 2013. Finlay was born with Plagiocephaly (a form of Flat Head Syndrome) and I struggled to find advice and help. I began blogging to put information out there about his condition and his progress. The blog was very niche specific and I felt after a year it had really ran its natural course. I had a promotion at work and so I hung up my keyboard. I really missed blogging, I enjoyed the social aspect of it and meeting people (in the virtual sense) I would not have otherwise met. So I decided that I wanted to start a more general parenting blog about our little family adventures, but also use it to still raise awareness about Flat Head Syndrome and Southern Mummy has allowed me to do that

4. Is blogging a job or a hobby to you?
Currently its a Hobby, but I love what I do, who knows what the future will hold, I wouldn't say no if the opportunity arises to make a living from it.

5. Do you think there is any stigma to being a parent blogger?

I think a small amount, but then there always seems to be stigma attached to most things in someone's opinion. If you love what you do and are not hurting anyone then what's the harm?

6. What is your favourite post you have written? (Please link)

I haven't been blogging that long since I revived my site, but I think my favourite post is the one I have up about Finlay and his journey with Flat Head syndrome from birth, through to Diagnosis and treatment :

7. What is your favourite post you have read? (Please link)

I really love Hayley's blog at Sparkles and Stretchmark's - She is so open about her anxiety and I feel I connect with her - even though I have never met or spoken to her. Her writings just relate to a lot of feelings and anxieties I have. I really loved how open, Brave and Honest she was in her recent post: I really admire her.

8. Have you ever had any rude comments from family members or friends about your blog? If so, what? 

Actually I haven't told anyone I'm blogging again, I think my anxieties are quite high at the moment, so I haven't disclosed it ....yet!

9. Have you ever had any rude comments from a stranger if you've ever mentioned your blog? If so, what? 

Again I don't really talk about it at the moment. However those I have spoken to are really positive.

10. Have you ever had any nice comments from a strangers you've ever mentioned you blog? If so, what? 

Same as above!

11. Do you have any advice to give others starting out?

If you find that no ones finding your blog in the early days don't underestimate the power of Social Media and Linkys to get your name out there!!

12. Any final words of wisdom?
Just be yourself, you cant go wrong with that!

13. Please link your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

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