Saturday 31 December 2016

Interview with a Mummy - Blogger #7

Name: Michelle Gant
How old are you? 40
Where are you from? Norfolk
How many children do you have? 1
How old are your children?  1
What are their genders? Female

1.    What is your blog url? 
I have two – The Secret Life of The Baby and Words, Rhymes, Rambles

2. What was the inspiration behind your name?
The Secret Life of The Baby came about because the day before my baby arrived, I had the idea that it would be interesting and fun to see the world from a newborn baby’s perspective. I remember writing a paragraph and then not putting finger to keyboard for a while as I was busy with my little bundle of loveliness. Words, Rhymes, Rambles came about because I wanted a place to share prose and poetry on subjects mostly related to parenting.
3.    What made you decide to start blogging?
I am absolutely obsessed with writing and that’s why I do it. All I have ever wanted is to write and for people to read what I write. And that’s what has happened. Which is really quite lovely.

4. Is blogging a job or a hobby to you?
A hobby. I work almost full time. I write my posts in my head on the daily commute then type them up in the evenings.

5. Do you think there is any stigma to being a parent blogger?
Not stigma as such but some misconception. I don’t think people appreciate that blogging gives people an outlet for a variety of reasons.

6. What is your favourite post you have written? (Please link)
My favourite for The Secret Life of The Baby is A Birthday Celebration My favourite for Words, Rhymes, Rambles is I Didn’t Sleep I actually cried writing this as it was so personal and meaningful to me.

7. What is your favourite post you have read? (Please link)
There are so many incredible bloggers out there and I am finding new ones all the time. Pink Pear Bear writes some really moving posts, and I really relate to This Mum’s Life and The Mumzilla’s posts. And Agent Spitback always me laugh. But for me, it’s all about poetry. I love Verily Victoria Vocalises and her poetry. My favourite one recently though was ‘Red’ by Mum Turned Mom Sara Beautiful.

8. Have you ever had any rude comments from family members or friends about your blog? If so, what? 
Not at all. My friends and family are just so supportive of my writing – my Dad shares everything I write!

9. Have you ever had any rude comments from a stranger if you've ever mentioned your blog? If so, what? 
No, never.

10. Have you ever had any nice comments from a strangers you've ever mentioned you blog? If so, what? 
Not that I can think of.

11. Do you have any advice to give others starting out?
Just write. Write whatever’s in your head and your heart and edit later.

12. Any final words of wisdom?
Write about what matters to you. And don’t ever be ashamed or afraid of your voice.
13. Please link your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter 
@babyanonblog and @michellegant76

1 comment:

  1. I understand the heroine, since I myself am also a working mother. Work, home, kids, and you don't have time for yourself at all. It is difficult, but at the same time it is a reason for pride, because you cope with everything and do it very well. After I filed for divorce I fell out of my routine a bit. Psychological and emotional stress made itself felt, but I am gradually returning to normal. I hope all be fine


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