

Monday 9 August 2021

Keeping Your Bedrooms Clutter-Free

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When you have a family, it is really easy for clutter to accumulate in the home. This can be a problem in any area, but when you have lots of clutter in the bedroom space, sit can really stop you from being able to relax and get a good night’s sleep.

The good news is, there are lots of things you can do to keep all of the bedrooms in your home clutter-free so that you can all get the rest and relaxation you need…

Declutter regularly

It’s obvious, but if you want the bedrooms in your home to be as clutter-free as possible, you’re going to need to do regular sweeps of the room to remove any excess clutter. This can be tricky when you have kids who don’t want to give their toys up even if they haven’t played with them in a while, but if you can make it into a game or tell them all about how donating their toys will help less fortunate children, you should have more success. The key is to keep on top of things by scheduling a day each month to get rid of any new clutter that’s crept in.

Invest in storage beds

Clutter often builds up because there is simply not enough storage for everything that you own. Luckily, this is one problem that is easy to solve in the bedroom department thanks to the fact that many new divan beds come with storage built into the base, which you can use to store extra bedding, toys or pretty much anything else that you and your kids would rather keep out of sight for the most part.

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Baskets, bowls and trays

When it comes to excess clothes, shoes and toiletries, baskets, bowls and trays are a good solution. Not only are they very budget-friendly, but you and the kids can quickly throw things into them and they will immediately look less cluttered, even if you haven’t really put much effort in. For kids, toyboxes are also a great solution, but you should still aim to declutter as much of your stuff as you can because not having to hide your clutter away is ultimately easier than having to collect it into baskets, bowls and trays at the end of each day!

Use fewer sheets, pillows and bedding

When it comes to the bedroom, a lot of clutter can come from having an overly dressed bed. Many of us have way more cushions, sheets, blankets and the like, than we will ever need, and many of us never use them, throwing them onto the floor before we get into bed each night. What’s the solution? Pare down the bedding until you’re left with only the items that you use and which add to your comfort. Donate the rest.

Sticky hooks

Sticky hooks are a cheap solution that you can hang on the bedroom door, wardrobe doors or even the walls to give you more places to hand and store clothes and toys (an overdoor organiser would be useful for these) too.

Keep the bedrooms clutter-free and you and your kids will sleep easy.