

Monday 21 May 2018

Diono Carus Complete Review

I am a big lover of my stretchy wrap however seeing as Rose is getting a bit bigger now and the wrap seems to droop, I felt that I needed to find another method of carrying her. Everyone I asked had different recommendations but when I saw the Diono Carus Complete, it just stood out to me. 

The Diono Carus Complete is a ergonomic 4 in 1 carrier that allows you to carry from birth to 15kg. It can be used parent facing, world facing or worn as a back carry. It also has a backpack that easily zips and clips onto the carrier. All of these options really appeal to me as I feel that this carrier can (and will) be worn for a long time and during many days out.

What I've found with other carriers is that they dig in at the shoulders and hurt my back so I was a little dubious how this would hold up in comparison. I am extremely impressed with this carrier as it has a wide back support and the straps seemed to spread all the weight while being worn. 

I found being hands free really convenient with the other girls because it meant that we could all hold hands and cross roads more safely. The backpack is such an amazing feature too as it is the perfect size for a change bag and there are no rogue straps while carrying. 

The Diono Carus Complete is extremely Dad friendly too. It is easy to put on and adjust single handed. Rose loved being carried on her Daddy's back as he is much taller than me, it meant she could see everything that was going on and could reach higher for things. 

We have been using this carrier a lot more than the pram recently as I've found it much more convenient and takes up less space compared to our double pram. It has meant that Lily has had more independent walking too which is a win/ win. 

We haven't yet used some of the features such as the integrated hood, stay dry zips or water resistant fabric as the weather has been really kind to us recently and I have (thankfully) not been caught out in the rain however with the quality of the carrier, I have no doubt that these features will live up to expectations. 

I wanted to put the carrier to the test and carry Lily, who is 15kg so at the top of the carriers weight limit. I was expecting it to become very uncomfortable and pinchy. In fact, it seemed to be the opposite. It was extremely comfortable and easy to carry Lily and although she doesn't need carrying often, it means that when she gets really tired that I have an option to carry her. 

I absolutely love my Diono Carus Complete and would highly recommend them to anyone who wants to carry their baby or toddler. It really spreads the weight well which makes it suitable for long or short walks. They come in a range of colours which you can find here, however we are sporting the black. 

Disclaimer:  We were sent an Diono Carus Complete carrier for the purpose of this review but all thoughts, words and photos are my own.

Saturday 19 May 2018

What I bought from Old English Co.

I have fallen in love with the products from Old English Co (which I featured not long ago) and made my purchase from them. I am not disappointed! 

Friday 18 May 2018

Wedding Photos - My Thoughts

I have mentioned in a previous post that I believe that photographs are one of, if not the most important parts of a wedding. Whether you pay £15,000 or £500 for your wedding day, you want something to remember it by. This is something I truly believe and I'll explain a little bit why.

Wedding photos are the most cherished keepsake from your wedding. (I would hazard a guess that most couples would choose their wedding photo albums over a toaster or a china plate set) They are something that when you're memories start to become a bit fuzzy, you can look back and remember everything that happened that day.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

My Dream Wedding Venue

Since we got engaged, nearly 7 years ago, I've had long enough to sit back and think about my dream wedding venue. I've written list after list, viewed venue after venue and read plenty of advice about what to look for given on forums.

The Outside 

After plenty of searching, I found that I loved the idea of a grand country house surrounded by amazing greenery. I've always wanted a spring/ summer wedding so the idea of a gorgeous view like the one above is one that makes my heart flutter. I can only imagine the grand entrance I'd make driving down this driveway towards the venue.

Monday 14 May 2018

Our Summer Bucket List

Our Summer Bucket List

With the nice weather peeping out slowly, all that I've been thinking of is things that we can do once school breaks up and we commence the summer holidays. I do love the early summer but with Thea being in school, it really limits us to weekend plans so the school holidays are when everything happens. 

I am really looking forward to being able to have a BBQ, wear summer dresses and sandals, chase the ice cream van down the street at 7pm and get the paddling pool out. I have put together a list of summer activities which I am sure we will be able to complete in the next few months. 

There are some similar to last years list!

What are you looking forward to in Summer?

Saturday 12 May 2018

Kids Party Bags for less than £1

I always like to be prepared for everything so have myself a little Party Box that I usually have sweets, party invites, party bags, birthday cards, little toys and balloons in, on the off chance that I forget or don't manage to get to a shop before said party.

You're probably thinking "you'll be prepared if you're having a party! You don't need a pre-stocked box" but I am extremely grateful of my box this last month! We went on holiday in April only to come back 3 days before Thea's birthday party. We had already ordered an Asda delivery so hadn't the need to go to the shop and party bags had completely slipped my mind.
Thankfully, we had everything we needed and I didn't need to rush around at the last minute to get things for it.

Unfortunately now, my box is running bare because it's all been used so I've been having a little look on Amazon to see what else to add to it.

I usually aim for each party bag to cost less than £1 each and these are what I've found so far!

Thursday 10 May 2018

Our Family Holiday to Turkey - Paloma Grida Resort

This was our second holiday abroad as a family of five. Last year we went to Ibiza and had an amazing time. This year, we booked our holiday for mid April to Belek, Turkey. Many wouldn't even consider a holiday in April but honestly, I prefer it. The weather is still a respectable 28 degrees which is neither too hot nor too cold.

I find that it takes a day or so for the kids to adapt to the warmer weather and different surroundings so on the first day, we spent it unpacking, just exploring the resort to get an idea of whats around and making first impressions of the food.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

My aims before I'm 30

This year I turn 25 which everyone around me seems to be making a big deal out of. Apparently turning a quarter of a century is supposed to be a big thing. Personally, I think turning the big Three Zero is much more of a milestone.

I've been thinking recently what things I would like to aim for or do before I turn thirty and so far, these are what I've come up with...

My aims before I'm thirty

I really want to pass my driving test. This is something that a lot do before they're 21 but for various reasons, I never got round to it and now feel like it is something I would really like to get done.

Sunday 6 May 2018

5 Minute Cleaning With Zoflora

Cleaning seems to happen little, yet often for me. Kids are messy little people that require a lot of attention so I don't often get long stretches of uninterrupted time to clean the house so I've put together a list of 5 minute jobs to help clean around the kids... with Zoflora (because it just smells amazing!)

To do this, I usually pick out my favourite scents for each room and dilute Zoflora in a spray bottle with warm water so I can can easily clean.

Living Room

Friday 4 May 2018

5 Easy Storage Hacks For Kids

Having children means that every step you take, you stand on a toy… usually Lego. It means that sitting on the sofa includes sharing with multitudes of dollies and teddies. 
I've been searching the internet high and low looking for ideas to make the most of the space we have in the house (or lack of space) while still being child friendly and everything being easily accessible. 
After seeing all these perfect show homes storage ideas and plenty of Kallax hacks that I simply can not afford, I opted to start small. 

Spice Rack Book Shelves

These look really cute and I could see being useful in not only a bedroom to hold books but also next to the door to place letters (dang! You could even screw in some hooks for your keys!)

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Enamel Pin Competition at Old English Co.

Years ago I used to collect badges and pins as a way to personalise my bags and coats. Recently, I have been browsing the enamel pins from Old English Co who currently have a competition running to win a set of three super cute pins until 30th May 2018.

Old English Co Enamel Pins